Monday, February 13, 2012

Ritual Tools from Other Cultures

I have noticed that if a particular culture is trendy amongst the spiritual shoppers then the misuse of their items rises. Over the past 10 years or so 'Tibet' has been the flavor of the month. It took the place of Native American and Celtic Trends. I am not saying those paths lack any merit but they all have been victims in a way to a culture that is fascinated with anything 'exotic' and then ritual items are suddenly no longer used properly or even become 'art' and collect dust. The misuse of Tibetan tingsha bells have been a growing problem. I have had to stop a good number of people from using them ;because they are being used inappropriately. These bells in particular are erroneously used by some to clear energy when in fact they call ghosts for a ceremony. Tibetan Ritual items are very specific and you do not use ghost bells to clear energy. The motivation to call ghosts is to benefit them and help them cross over through a ceremony where you ring the bells say specific prayers and light precious incense. If you call these ghosts and do not provide them with the sacred smoke,then who do you think may suffer? I have heard of many people misusing these implements and then wonder why the have so much paranormal activity around them;the ghosts are pissed! I would be mad too if you called me over to dinner and then have nothing for dinner! Tibetan Buddhism has many rituals similar to that of Native American Shamans. If you are not initiated into the path then consider it a bad idea to use any ritual item. Tibetan stuff is so insidious and every gesture,color or ornament has a inner outer and secret meaning. There are certain 'mantras' and 'Sutras' that are 'public' and do not require prior initiation or permission from a Lama to recite;and that is fine. When it comes to the tools, it is best to wait for a qualified teacher to pass one to you or offer it to you. The same is with many other ritual items.

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